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Corporate Supporter

If you’re looking for a way to support your corporate social responsibility commitments, Orang Utan Island have plenty of CSR and team volunteering opportunities available!

​​​Orang Utan Island needs corporate sponsors to support efforts to conserve wildlife. We believe that only by joining hands, we can secure the future for orangutans for generations to come. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We offers a range of opportunities for businesses to fulfil their corporate social responsibility objectives. 


Through activities like CSR volunteer work, sponsorship, conservation efforts, fundraising, and orangutan adoptions, businesses can significantly contribute to the our foundation and the wider community. Maybe your company or your employee would like to donate or adopt the orangutan? If so, we would love your support! 


More information as below

Help ussave andprotect theorangutans


Corporate Giving

We greatly appreciate your support. Your donations help us to continue our critical wildlife conservation efforts.

Gift in kind

Gifts in kind

Orang Utan Island is always looking for tools to help them with their conservation programs and operations activities.


Adopt Orangutan

for your team

Orangutan adoptions at Orang Utan Island present a unique way for businesses to support conservation efforts. By adopting an orangutan, companies contribute to the care, feeding, and enrichment of their chosen orangutan. 

Feed the Orangutan

Food for a month

This gift provides fresh, nutritious food for orangutans in our centres, keeping them healthy and well-fed!

CSR Program

Bring your staff for

volunteering work

Our CSR program is a volunteering program provides a fantastic opportunity to get outside, strengthen relationships within your team and develop a sense of achievement, all whilst showing your commitment to sustainability, conservation and charity.

Business Partner

The next level...

A Business Partnership represents a strategic alliance between your organisation and Orang Utan Island. We will work with you to develop a bespoke partnership agreement that serves to meet your business goals and objectives while delivering maximum conservation impacts. 

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