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Jidin’s Life Story

April 05, 2010 Jidin was born on April 5, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. with a low birth weight problem. His weight is around 1.47 kg, which is considered slightly lower than the normal weight for an orang-utan newborn. His mother, Baboon, was in good health, and no complications occurred after she gave birth to him. Due to these problems, Jidin was kept and monitored in the infant care unit (ICU). Unfortunately, Jidin developed diarrhoea just a few days after he was born. But with strict treatment from a veterinarian and full attention from the keepers, Jidin managed to fully recover. Jidin grew and developed into a happy and active baby orang utan. Over the last 5 months in the infant care unit (ICU), Jidin started to develop forest skills like swinging, hanging, and climbing. Jidin loved to climb the tree and swing from branches in the enrichment area. He also enjoyed exploring the place and playing with the keepers. Thanks to the encouragement from the keepers, Jidin is now ready for the real adventures. July 28, 2017 Jidin's height and body weight have grown over the last few years. Jidin is now 7 years old; he is in the juvenile stage and is in the process of maturing into an adult Orang Utan. Jidin has already completed his deworming schedule for every year. Jidin now has more independence and is not seeking out attention from the keepers as much, but he would still love it if the keeper played with him. Jidin loves to eat a variety of foods and vegetables, like apples, bananas, mangoes, carrots, and cabbage. But his favourite is a sweet potato. Jidin loves the crunchiness and sweet flavour of the potato. Jidin will immediately climb the trees when he gets the sweet potato because he is afraid another orang-utan will take it from him. Dec 21, 2022 Jidin is now 12 years old and in the sub-adult male stage; however, he has not developed any flanges yet like Bj, Adam, and Ah Ling, who are already in their fully adult stages. But what's amazing about Jidin is that he’s already been mated with Kate since last year (2021) and managed to have a cute baby named Isak that was born on April 25, 2022. Jidin's behaviour is still that of a child, despite the fact that he is now a father. He loves when the keeper tickles his armpit and ears. Sometimes, Jidin will start to show his bad behaviour when he doesn’t get enough food or attention, like spitting and throwing his faeces towards a keeper. He also loves to do that to new keepers or to keepers that he does not like. For now, Jidin is in healthy condition under the supervision of a veterinarian. It’s wonderful that Jidin continues to grow and flourish at Orang Utan Island. Good job, Jidin!

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